
Teaching Professors Teaching Professors

2024年01月14日Source of the article:School of Creativity and Art2024年01月14日Times of browsing:504

Shimon Shmueli

The director of the Lab for Experiential and Affective Design (LEAD). His undergraduate degree in engineering is from the Technion in Israel. His graduate degrees are in industrial design from North Carolina State University, engineering from New York University, and management from Wake Forest University. Originally from Israel, he also spent much of his career in the USA, in R&D and marketing management positions at IBM, as VP of products at Ossic, and CTO at KeyNetica and Serenium. Shimon is the co-founder of Syntheza, a California-based consultancy where he works with companies in the areas of product design, innovation, and strategy. He is passionate about education and has taught undergraduate and graduate courses at George Mason University, Portland State University, and NewSchool of Architecture and Design.

Lab: The Lab for Experiential and Affective Design (LEAD)