
Lectures and Workshop Lectures and Workshop

Art and Design in a Post Digital Era

Date: 14.40-15.40, Oct.29th

Venue: SCA E408

We are increasingly entering a world of robotics, artificial intelligence, extended reality and quantum computing. AI is reshaping how designers design, extended reality will allow us to work in new forms of representation using augmented reality virtual reality and immersive realities, technologies that will augment our physical world. We are experiencing a paradigm shift into a new era of a Post-Digital world, a world that in fact will be very digital where previous emerging technologies will be increasingly implemented reshaping our understanding of being human.

In his lecture Tony brown will trace technologies impact on art and design illustrating through his own practice as an artist and designer how it corresponds to a Post-Digital world.

Tony Brown (UK)

Tenured full Professor of the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris, France, former Dean of the Sculpture Department and Director of the Doctoral Program“La Seine”; former Provost of the Parsons School for Design, Paris. currently Guest Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the Dean of the EAaD Art and Design School of Xi'an Eurasia University.

During his decades of outstanding academic career, Professor Tony has been invited to give lectures and courses in numerous worldwide top universities, art academies and institutions in Canada, US, Asia and Europe. As one of the pioneer artists to create installation works with cutting-edge technology in the early 1980s, his works are world-renowned and exhibited in many international paramount exhibitions and art fairs, including the Documenta Kassel, the New York Armory Art Fair, Paris International Contemporary Art Fair, and Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair. His representative works have been displayed and collected by many internationally renowned art museum, galleries and private collectors in Canada, US, Asia and Europe. In recent years, he has also expanded his creative practice to drawing, design, landscape and architectural projects with fruitful results.