
Research Professors Research Professors

2024年01月11日Source of the article:School of Creativity and Art2024年01月11日Times of browsing:140

Weihao Wang

He is an assistant researcher of CASE. In 2013, he graduated from East China University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree. He graduated from Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences with a doctorate. During his doctorate, he was engaged in the design and research of low pollution combustor of small gas turbine, and participated in key gas turbine R & D projects of NSFC, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other ministries and commissions. His doctoral dissertation work was completed in Helan Turbine Ltd, and was verified by engineering. He has published 3 articles and applied for 8 patents. During his postdoctoral period, his main research directions are molten pool flow simulation for Superalloy in additive manufacturing process and 3D printing component design of micro gas turbine structure and function integration.

Email: [email protected]