
Distinguished Adjunct Professors Distinguished Adjunct Professors

2020年11月01日Source of the article:School of Creativity and Art2020年11月01日Times of browsing:89

Jian Zhang

A distinguished professor of Center for Adaptive System Engineering (CASE). He received his Ph.D. from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMR, CAS) in 1999. He had worked at Brunel University, London, and University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany before joined IMR in 2003. He is director of superalloys division of IMR. His research activities focus on advanced casting technology, microstructure and properties of superalloys. He is also collaborating closely with industrial partners in alloy design and application projects. He is deputy secretary-general of high temperature materials committee, the Chinese Society for Metals and a member of superalloys committee, TMS.

Research fields: Cast superalloy materials and processes for advanced power systems, manufacturing processes of single crystal components, superalloys used in extreme environments

Major of admission: Material Science and Engineering

Email: [email protected]