
Professors Professors

2020年09月20日Source of the article:创意与艺术小妲己直播 2020年09月20日Times of browsing:877

Shouzhi Wang

The director of Design Interaction Visual Lab (DIV), Vice Dean of School of Creativity and Art of ShanghaiTech University and professor of Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, LA, USA. Dean, Cheung Kong School of Art and Design, Shantou University, Shantou, Guangdong, China.

As a professor and scholar, he focuses research on design history and theory. His field covers architecture, product design, graphic design, fashion, city planning, illustration and entertainment design. He published books in Chinese such as A History of Modern Architecture, A History of Modern Design, A History of Fashion, A History of Graphic Design, A History of American Illustration, Nordic White Night – A Tour of Scandinavian Design, Chinese Complex of Heart, etc. His books were widely taken as the guiding reference of Chinese different design institutions. 

He also works as chief design director and chief advisor of different estate companies.  

Lab: Design Interaction Visual Lab (DIV)