

2019年10月17日Source of the article:创意与艺术小妲己直播 2019年10月17日Times of browsing:3273


Design Interaction Visual Lab (DIV) is dedicated to exploring the possibilities in the creative industry and expanding the boundaries of the creative processes. The creative products will foster new types of social interactions among citizens, designers and scientists, where everyone will participate in the interactive design in areas of life-style, smart city, smart entertainment, smart social welfare and education. Adopting a cross-disciplinary approach, the areas of DIV spans the research and practices in design, fine arts, human-computer interaction, participatory design, design for behavioral change, Artificial Intelligence, engineering, computer science, sociology, anthropology, communications, business, cultural studies and other relevant social science areas. The laboratory welcomes researchers from other colleges of ShanghaiTech University of Science and Technology, and actively cooperates with other research centers and external partners in the university to jointly promote new research results in the fields of intelligent living environment, artificial intelligence innovation and aesthetics. The main focus of DIV is on the relationship between people and innovative technologies, with the goal of creating more useful interactions between people and their living environments in the future smart urban landscapes.


Using artificial intelligence and innovative technologies, new ideas, methods, and concepts for future smart living environment designs are proposed.

Promote interdisciplinary research and cooperation of intelligent systems to support the innovations of future cities.

Through the use of innovative technologies, as well as the role and opportunities of related research and training, the industry, community organizations and governments are involved in the design, improvement and optimization of the community’s quality. This will help to transform the development of smart cities and the use of creative technologies from an academic environment to a design environment.

Support undergraduate and postgraduate training, study and practice in the fields of artificial intelligence and creative technology.