
Lectures and Workshop Lectures and Workshop

Museums in New York —— City, Memories and Young America


2018.01.15 (TUES) 12:00


E408 Screening Room

School of Creativity and Art


Xincheng Shen received his B.A. and M.A. in China in Archaeology and Museum Studies at Peking University and Fudan University. He received an M.A. in Museum Anthropology at Columbia University in the city of New York, and had worked for American Museum of Natural History, 9/11 National Memorial, and New York Historical Society. He is now a Ph.D student in urban history of East Asia at Georgia Institute of Technology. With a particular focus on civil engineering and hydraulic infrastructures --- water supply, plumbing fixture, and sewer system, his research reexamines the colonial history of Shanghai in the lens of sanitary technology: its diffusion, adoption, and localization.